Are you truly enjoying the food you are eating then you need to know what is mindful eating. Whatever you are consuming is positively or negatively affecting your body. Are you enjoying the flavor the aroma of every bite you take without over eating? Are you aware of the fact …
How to Improve Self esteem and Body Image
You need to improve self esteem and body image to recognize and accept the way you are. The way you look need to be positively determined by a clear picture in your mind. That despite you are overweight or you have any flaw in any part of your body you …
How to lose weight fast naturally and permanently
Everyone likes to look good. But how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently there are multiple of choices of what you eat. Among them what you choose makes your look good or worse along with that you can face many chronic diseases. It is better if you keep a …
How to Lose Weight without Exercise
Everyone who is over weighted is eager to know how to lose weight without exercise. It is possible and can be achieved by keeping few things in mind and implementing them from day one in to your day to day routine and getting use to it. The more you care …